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在2001年五月,镜州市委书记齐全盛(唐国强 饰)的夫人高雅菊、女儿齐小艳以及市委常委林一达、白可树,突然同时受到省委审查。这一事件的背景是,负责查处的是原镜州市长、现任省委副秘书长刘重天。据描述,刘重天与齐全盛在过去合作时曾有过尖锐的矛盾,特别是在规划和建设镜州的问题上,导致了市委和市政府的“一城两制”局面,即内部分裂和对立的情况。
少女Tally Youngblood一直期待着整容,跟其他人一样加入社会成为“美人”。但在她的一个朋友逃走后,Tally踏上了一趟冒险,因此颠覆了她的认知和她此前所想要的一切。
平庆(龟梨和也 饰)是一位极其富有才华的现代舞舞者,然而,在攀上了事业小小高峰之后,他的人生一路走低。之后,平庆决定重整旗鼓,从德国回到了东京,可是,在这里等待着他的却并非柳暗花明,而是残酷的现实。为了维持生计,平庆四处奔波,生活的不顺亦让他的舞蹈事业陷入了瓶颈。 一次偶然中,平庆结识了名叫西原结唯(深田恭子 饰)的女子。西原是高中里的化学老师,年岁渐长,老母亲开始为她的终身大事发愁,然而西原却并没有结婚的打算,与此同时,她和同事高柳太郎(生濑胜久 饰)之间一直维持着肉体关系。平庆的出现让西原的生活产生了翻天覆地的变化,这一对个性和身份都截然不同的恋人最终能否走到一起?
西尔维亚·阿隆索///马里奥·卡萨斯///胡安·迭戈·博托///布鲁娜·库希///洛拉·杜埃尼亚斯/Lola/Due?as///英格丽·加西亚·荣松///埃尔薇拉·明戈斯///乔恩·艾瑞亚斯///奥斯卡·卡萨斯// Miryam Gallego / Aleix Melé/
Marco (Mario Casas) is a young businessman who manages one of the most successful technological companies in the world, ALVA, which has just launched its latest prototype into the market - CYCLONE, an electric car propelled by turbines that turn wind into energy. His friend and classmate Diego works with him, along with the latter's wife, Bárbara, the efficient marketing manager of the company. Eva, a young, ambitious engineer who has a lot to hide, also joins the team, and she will disrupt the balance at work, both emotionally and professionally, between the two business partners. In spite of being a popular guy, Marco, unlike Diego, doesn't have an exciting social life. He is a solitary man, and no one has access to the intimacy of his soul, apart from his psychologist, SARA, on whom he is emotionally dependent. Marco is haunted by a huge number of ghosts from his past and, although he tries hard to scare them away, he only finds comfort in sport and in frequenting a private club. People go there just to get pleasure and give free reign to their wildest erotic fantasies, without fear of falling in love, as everyone has to wear a mask to hide their faces. But everything changes when Marco meets Carol, the new educational psychologist who looks after his brother José, an 18-year-old boy with problems of autism, with whom he has a difficult relationship. With her, he will also meet his worst enemy - himself. Thanks to her, he will discover that it is never too late to love, even if it brings some pain along with it.