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七个好友单身汉都声称自己永不会结婚,于是,他们凑了一笔钱,打赌谁最迟结婚谁就赢得这笔钱。一晃眼,七年过去了,只剩下困窘的漫画迈克尔(Jerry O'Connell 杰瑞•奥康耐 饰)和出名的“钻石王老五”凯尔(Jake Busey 杰克•布塞 饰)依然单身,而当初这笔钱由于投资得当而成了一笔巨额财富。这天,迈克尔在拉斯维加斯豪赌欠下了巨债,走投无路的他唯一的办法就是想方设法赢得这场打赌。 于是,迈克尔找到了凯尔的前女友娜塔莉娅(莎诺•伊丽莎白 Shannon Elizabeth 饰),千方百计游说了她嫁给凯尔,承诺事成之后分她一份奖金。迈克尔的计划进行得非常顺利,然而就在大功即将告成之际,他却发现自己已深深爱上了娜塔莉娅,金钱和爱情之间,他将如何抉择?
Sonia is a neurotic jingle writer who's always dreamt of a big and exciting life. Surprised by a sudden proposal and subsequent ultimatum from her easy-going boyfriend, Chris, Sonia has to decide whether she'll join the ranks of her married friends or take a leap and pursue her fantasies. A whimsical romantic comedy that's raunchy and yet gentle, 'It Had To Be You' explores the choices women face today while satirizing cultural expectations of gender and romance.
本片曾获得99年澳洲电影金像奖最佳影片导演原著剧本男配角剪接…等十一项提名,由澳洲男演员希斯莱杰(Heath Ledger)片中饰演主角吉米。一个充满屎蛋风格的笨拙黑色喜剧。 19岁的吉米(Heath Ledger)是个涉世未深的街头混混,原本在脱衣舞娘酒馆当保镖,因缘际会认识了甜美忧伤的雅丽媞(Rose Byrne),纯真的爱情就此发酵。 然而,吉米因为答应镇上黑帮毒虫老大旁多一件差事,途中却因两个半路杀出的贼小孩,差点丢了性命。吉米的决定、两个小孩的未来…导演用超现实阴阳交错多轨的叙事情境说故事。究竟是福是祸,上帝与魔鬼,邪恶与纯真的界线在哪里?吉米最后该如何决定摆脱命运呢?
An outstanding comedy whose poetic style hearkens back to the films of Wes Anderson. It tells of a youngster focused on winning the nationwide drumming championship in spite of certain obstacles – such as not having any drums! A film that is every bit as hardcore as Jimmy Page’s guitar, and every bit as endearing as Robert Plant’s waistcoats. There are a lot of films that stick to the hackneyed theme of the outsider bent on fulfilling his dream in spite of all the odds – thanks to which he not only achieves his coveted success but, moreover, instils hope in the hearts of the weak and degraded through his courage and determination. But none of these films has had a protagonist as charismatic as Power – a young man obsessed with drumming drumlessly (read steady gesticulation set to the rhythm of legendary heavy metal anthems), whose aim is to win the nationwide drumming championship, support striking miners in New Mexico and win the heart of a girl who went deaf at the age of three at a Status Quo concert. This brilliant comedy – reminiscent of the films of Wes Anderson in its fascination with bizarre twists on standard genre themes – will thrill you even if you are not a fan of 1970s hard-rock dinosaurs. But you mustn’t forget Power’s creed while you’re watching “I don’t need drums. I am drums! About the director Ari Gold received a Student Oscar in 2000 for his film Helicopter, an experimental short film in which he used authentic photography, scene reconstructions and animated sequences to tell of the tragic death of his mother. The Sundance Festival accepted Gold’s short student films for three consecutive years, and one of them – the sixty-second film Culture, which the filmmaker accompanied with a 10-point manifesto signed with the pseudonym Ari von Gold – elicited (particularly in Serbia) a wave of similar films of exactly one minute in length avowing “Dogma 99”. In addition to filmmaking, Ari Gold is also a dedicated musician – he sings in the bands The Honey Brothers and The Gold Brothers, he plays the ukulele, the piano and occasionally the drums. The film Adventures of Power is his first feature-length film.