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The story of a whimsical and beautiful experience that 38-year-old Woojoo goes through after moving back to her hometown to after moxia.cc the death of her mother. Having given up on her dreams of being an artist after an unexpected pregnancy Woojoo finds her past rushing back to her. She is taken aback when she happens upon two women -- 19- and 26-years-old, both named Sung Woo-Joo and going through life events identical to her experiences. Now she is faced with a chance to reflect and possibly affect her own life regrets with Christmas just around the corner.
一个只在雨夜出没作案的连环杀手让市民们陷入了恐慌之中,他已经犯下了累累案件,数百名警察前赴后继的追踪凶手的下落,但时至今日,这位冷血残酷的凶手的真面目依旧是一个谜。这一次,调查案件的责任落到了片警昌珉(金东旭 饰)的肩上,然而,昌珉是一个对自己毫无要求,凡事得过且过的废柴,此案件想要在他的手中水落石出,恐怕是不可能的事情了。
警方缓慢的破案进度激起了民众的不满,他们聚集在警局前抗议示威,昌珉的妈妈也在其中。为了不让妈妈失望,昌珉决定振作起来,彻查此案。就在此时,一位名为荣石(刘五性 饰)的无业游民掺和到了案件的调查之中来,屡屡抢先昌珉一步,解决事件,这令昌珉感到十分恼火。