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电影描述了14岁的小艾(布勒·辛瑞克松 Bl?r Hinriksson 饰)所经历的青春时期。在这个阶段,青春就像是冰岛首都雷克雅未克的天色,即使阳光照耀,总感觉冷冽而蓝色,充满了难以理解和神秘的氛围。在懵懂而冲动的年龄里,与同龄人一起,有时会经历天堂般的美好时刻,但更多时候却陷入地狱般的困境。在这个阶段,弱肉强食和情义相挺的生存法则共存。小艾可能会在一刻之间成为霸凌的受害者,而在下一刻却开始保护被他的朋友欺负的孩子。   年少气盛的暴力行为和成长中的身体发育相互交织。小艾可能会经历各种充满激情和冲动的暴力事件。他可能透过这些经历,逐渐揭开自己原生家庭中各种不堪的一面,这会让他感到失控和困惑。同时,他的身体也在夜晚的梦境中悄然发生变化,带来了前所未有的成长体验,让他感到无所适从。
英嘉(Arndís Hrönn Egilsdóttir 饰)和瑞尼尔是结婚多年的夫妇,两人生活在偏远宁静的小镇上,靠着经营农场维生。虽然每天都在非常努力的工作,但是夫妻两人的所得依然无法支持他们的生活,只因为小镇上的艾普斯菲德合作社将农产品的销售渠道给垄断了。  一天,瑞尼尔在一场可怕的车祸中不幸身亡,好不容易才渐渐走出丧夫之痛的英嘉于偶然之中得到了一个令她感到十分愤怒的消息——瑞尼尔的死并非意外,而是和合作社有关。英嘉将合作社这么多年来的种种恶行全部写了下来发表在了网络上,很快就掀起了舆论的狂潮,当地其他被合作社压榨的农民们也纷纷站出来发生,希望讨回公道。
For the two 13-year-old blood-brothers Alex and Ferry, Hitler's war is an exciting game – which is not surprising since they live in a backwater town ignored by the Allied bombers. The only thing that's more interesting than watching enemy planes fly past is the burning desire to discover the secrets of sexuality with the fiery Rosa. But then bombs actually do start falling on their little town – and the boys are sent to a Czech spa to wait out the end of the war. Blessed with a beautiful singing voice, Alex joins the boys' choir, insisting that Ferry join it too – blood-brothers share everything! But trouble is afoot when Alex replaces the “Hitler Youth” watchdog as lead soloist. Worse yet is another problem they have to contend with Alex learns that he's Jewish! As the choir prepares a concert that Hitler is planning to attend, the boys are swept up into a world of intrigue and danger – and into the bed of the brave and beautiful partisan Helenka... With both the war and the boys' hormones raging, Alex and Ferry embark on a coming-of-age adventure unlike any other.