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 In his first film, Shane Atkinson goes back to a cinema that isn’t afraid of mixing genres, where noir and western coexist with the most corrosive of comedies and pulp detective stories. LaRoy, some sort of earthly fairy tale, centers around the life of Ray—he’s doing quite well with his small hardware store, and is married to Stacy-Lynn, the town’s beauty queen. But his dream present crumbles when his friend Skyp, a private investigator, reveals to him that his wife is having an affair. Devastated by the news, he decides to take his own life, but when he’s about to shoot himself, he is approached by a man who mistakes him for a hitman and offers him a considerable amount of cash for a job. A wildly intelligent narrative about pathetic characters that oscillates in the thin line between irony and empathy without the audience noticing.
新年的钟声即将响起,欢快喜庆的气氛弥漫在正孤独航行于北大西洋上的海神号中。这是一艘拥有800个房间、13层楼高、载客量超过2000人的超豪华邮轮。在船长麦克?布莱福德(Andre Braugher 饰)的组织下,达官显贵、社会名流纷纷云集在豪华明亮的大厅,伴着美食佳酒、轻歌曼舞一同庆祝新年的到来。与此同时,大西洋底的地壳发生剧烈震动,继而掀起足以摧毁万物的滔天巨浪。在自然面前,再坚固的船只也需俯首称臣。海神号被巨浪掀翻,无数人丢掉性命。面对死神的威胁,侥幸逃过第一波劫难的人们开始想尽办法逃生。在茫茫无所依靠的大海中央,他们的命运终将如何?   本片翻拍自1972年经典灾难片《海神号遇险记》(The Poseidon Adventure)。