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Maca (María Valverde), 30 years old and clumsy by nature, makes the most of life and strives to be happy. Maca's talent is wasted working as an assistant for an oppressive and terrifying fashion influencer and she spends her time with guys with whom she never manages to establish an emotional bond. Together with Jimena (Elísabet Casanovas) and Adriana (Susana Abaitúa), her two unique and lovable friends who are always ready to do whatever it takes to make their problems not seem so bad, Maca has managed to make Madrid a city where everything is possible. Everything seems to be going well until he-who-must-not-be-named comes back into her life. Leo (Alex González), the love and biggest mistake of her life, the man who tore her heart apart, obliterated her self-esteem and her faith in men, comes back into her life to turn everything upside down. Maca has tried to forget him, but now she has to accept that he has returned and face the emotions she has locked away to deal with the unforgettable memory of what could have been and never was. Old wounds are reopened and Maca will have to be brave and confront her conflicts, fears and insecurities in order to finally take control of her life.
摩西(克里斯蒂安·贝尔 Christian Bale 饰)和法老拉美西斯二世(乔尔·埃哲顿 Joel Edgerton 饰)是情同手足的好兄弟,彼此之间感情十分要好。摩西得到了神的旨意,决心将成千上万的犹太人民从水深火热的生活之中解救出来,他向拉美西斯寻求帮助,然而,这位好友却十分坚决地拒绝了他。不仅如此,拉美西斯还对犹太人进行了惨无人道的屠杀。 为了惩罚拉美西斯的暴行,神在埃及降下了“十灾”,一时间,埃及陷入了混乱与死亡的阴影之中,然而,拉美西斯并没有因此而有所醒悟,最终,他和摩西成为了宿敌。摩西知道何为自己的使命,他带领着四十万希伯来人踏上了漫漫旅途,寻找一片属于他们的家园。
Late sixteenth century. A Tameme Indian man and a noble Spanish woman flee through the forests of the New World in search of freedom. Their frantic journey softens the tension between them and dissolves their longstanding differences and creates intimate bonds that threaten their very survival.
《我想你》是2010年的《恋爱大过天》的续集。试图忘却上一段失败恋情的阿彻,旅居伦敦两年后返回巴塞罗那。面对熟悉的城市和朋友,还遇到了令他再次心动的女孩Gin,阿彻必须在亲情,友情,爱情和工作之间努力作出平衡。同时,芭比也再次出现,新欢与旧爱,阿彻将如何抉择?? 【恋爱大过天】续集,2年后从纽约归来的马里奥·卡萨斯又跑到了新的妞,这家伙不演吸血鬼可惜了。上一集是狗血的青春片,这一集依旧狗血,依旧拖沓,还彻底沦为了POSE电影,俊男靓女们什么都没干,尽是没玩没了的POSE和适时而起的煽情配乐了。旧爱新欢弟弟去世的心结,下一部里该狗血三角恋了吧。